Collaboration isn’t just a strategy; it’s a necessity in the realm of non-profit organisations, particularly those focused on sustainable community development. At Bulungula Incubator, we believe that a coordinated effort can yield more substantial, far-reaching results.

For over two decades, we have collaborated closely with various stakeholders proving how working together can lead to significant benefits for our community. These partnerships are based on a shared vision of creating sustainable solutions that enhance the positive aspects of traditional rural life and mitigate the problematic aspects.

An example of this collaborative spirit in action is our partnership with the Layita Foundation, a nonprofit organisation that works closely with Madwaleni Hospital, our government feeder hospital where most mothers in our community give birth. Early this year, they facilitated a refresher breastfeeding training for our Nomakhayas (community health workers). The session, led by Andiswa, a MotherMentor from Layita, covered the benefits of breastfeeding, practical guidance on techniques like latching and positioning, strategies to overcome common challenges, and the criteria for safe formula feeding. By partnering with Layita, we ensure continuity and linkage in care to enhance the health and well-being of our mothers and their babies.

At Bulungula Incubator, we are part of a broader ecosystem where each contribution builds upon another. This interconnectedness ensures that as we aim to launch self-sustaining projects, shared responsibility and mutual support become the driving forces behind sustainability. Through these collaborative efforts, we continually reinforce the belief that transformative change is not the work of a single entity but a collective effort—”it takes a village” to create a sustainable impact.

Layita Qhawekazi Breastfeeding training at Bulungula Incubator with our Nomakhayas, February 2024.
BI Nomakhaya conducting breastfeeding training with new mother, May 2024.