In our communities, families typically own large plots of arable land. Through our Sustainable Livelihoods Programme, we aim to demonstrate and assist community members to use their agricultural land to improve their standards of living, increase food security, and create income-generating opportunities. 

Making our community food secure is our most urgent objective. We identify families who are food-insecure and who have potential/intereste in gardening. Often, these household are identified by our Home Based Carers- which is indicative of how our projects and objectives are often aligned. These families are assisted to establish vegetable gardens from which they can eat, and potentially supply other families in their village.

We also aim to encourage entrepreneurship. As a part of our Jobs Skills Programme, the Bulungula Incubator has partnered with Buhle Farming Academy to teach farming and management skills. The learners of the programme attended a three month theoretical and practical vocational training, have planted their gardens, harvested, and now selling their crops.

Furthermore, our Skills Centre, Masilme Ngqo, works hard to procure quality appropriate agricultural inputs and making these available to the community. Through our Seedling Project, we produce vegetable seedlings that are sold to community famers at a minimal rate. This seedling production from within the area ensures much greater food security and better profitability for our entrepreneurs.

Farming Academy learner harvesting peppers from her garden.